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BarCharts / Organic Chemistry Reactions

Publisher:BarCharts Publishing Inc.
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Organic Chemistry Reactions Barchart Quick Reference for the core essentials of a subject and class that is challenging at best and that many students struggle with. In 6 laminated pages our experienced chemistry author and professor gathered key elements organized and designed to use along with your text and lectures, as a review before testing, or as a memory companion that keeps key answers always at your fingertips. As many students have said “a must have” study tool. Topics covered include: *Features of an Organic Reaction *Kinetics & Reaction Mechanism *Organic Acid & Base *Alkane, Alkene *Benzene/Arene *Alkyne, Alcohol, Aromatic Alcohol *Haloalkane/Alkene/Arene *Halohydrin, Ether *Aldehyde & Ketone *Carboxylic Acid *Ester, Amine, Amide, Amino Acid *Other Nitrogen Compounds *Organic Polymers *Sulfur Chemistry *Cyclization: Synthesis of a Cyclic Compound* *Metal Reaction *Polymer Chemical Reactions *Common Terms