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BarCharts / American Civil War

Publisher:BarCharts Publishing Inc.
American Civil War Barchart Students, history and Civil War buffs can have answers lickety split at their fingertips. This timeline in 6 laminated pages includes the critical people and events that played a part in this heroic and tragic turning point that fortified American pride. Topics covered include: The Crisis of the Union, 1848-1856 The Specter of Secession, 1857–1860 The War Begins, 1861 The Fighting Deepens, 1862 The Turning Point, 1863 The Union's Hard Road to Victory, 1864 The War at Sea & on the Rivers, 1861–1865 The War on the Home Front, 1861–1865 The Union Preserved, 1865 Presidential Reconstruction, 1863–1866 Radical Reconstruction, 1867–1877