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Deems Art103 Kit #1- Micron Illustration
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Save money on Great Art Supplies!
Deems Art103 Kit #1- Micron Illustration contains:
Strathmore 18x24 pad of Drawing Paper, Vellum Surface
Strathmore 9x12 Sketchbook, SPIRAL
ONE Sheet of Archival, Professional Paper for Final Project
6 pack Micron Assorted Pens - Black
Set of Graphite Pencils-H through 6B
Charcoal: Box of Vine Charcoal-Soft
Charcoal Pencils, Hard & Soft
Kneaded Eraser
White Gum Eraser
Mono Zero Eraser
Chamois Cloth
Drafting Tape 1”
Pack of Blending Stumps in a range of sizes
Hand-Held Tri- Hole Pencil Sharpener
Xacto Knife #1 w/safety cap
20x26 Mesh Tote